Monday, 10 January 2011

Are there chickens in chick peas?

We were having a bit of a low morning yesterday. With not much to do and a small person to entertain we were very homesick. So we went shopping to CV Central.

To cheer ourselves up we bought a number of items that we have been really missing:

1. waffle iron
2. cheese schumfer
3. corkscrew (to open the only bottle of wine in the house and probably cost more than the wine), 
4. egg poacher
5. weighing scale

The potential for waffles cheered me up no end and we had poached eggs for tea, which improved Jeremy's mood. Lush!

Today I was introduced to a new supermarket, by my friend Arlene.  It was very local but I liked it because there was such a strange variety of things there, including flannels folded into the shape of roses!

We have been craving hummus for weeks and I thought that I would be able to make it. I could have but a can of chick peas would have set us back about £3. I kid you not! The answer to your question is, no I have not found dried chickpeas here yet. In the new supermarket they had cans of chick peas for about £1.20. Woo Hoo!! Hummus is in sight.

Now I just need a teaspoon of sesame oil to make tahini and we are away.

Mr Pickle went back to pre-school today. He had a fabulous morning and has gone to bed a very tired little man. 

Crafting update - I am in the process of making Mr Pickle a crochet Totoro. I will be posting pics of him when he is finished.

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