Saturday, 6 November 2010

No Touchies!

Today we went to the Hypermart complex in downtown Balikpapan to buy groceries and a much needed DVD player to watch all of the DVDs that we have bought for about 70 pence each. I am sure they are real because they have been purchased from actual shops.

Mr Pickle got very worked up and upset today while we were out. Having endured day after day of local people trying to touch him on the face because he is both blonde and in one side of cute and out the other, he started to shriek at the person who was insistent on pressing his flesh. It had the desired effect of them pulling back in horror but it took me a little while and the promise of ice cream to calm him down.

We do not understand these people's need to touch our precious child or the fact that they ignore our pleas to leave him alone because he doesn't like it.

We thought about making a sign for his forehead that says either 'No touchies' or 'I Bite' but being a) in English and therefore not understood or b) ignored because these people cannot keep their hands to themselves, this would probably be a pointless exercise.

Instead we have gone for some karate for tots. This evening we ran through some drills with Mr Pickle and we are confident that the next time a hand comes in from the left it will be met with a 'wax on' coupled with the shout of 'TIDAK!' and a hand from the right will trigger the 'wax on' manouver. 
Maybe we should get a sign made that says 'I know karate' or maybe go for the Neo line of 'I know kung fu'.

We have explained to him that if he doesn't want the scary big stranger to touch him, he doesn't have to let them and it is fine to swat them away and say 'No' in Indonesian. He seems much more relaxed about the potential touchies.

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