Thursday 2 December 2010

Where are my shipping boxes? The next installment.....

Where are they? I hear you all cry.

They are in our garage. Hooray!!! Totally unexpected!

I got a phonecall from Jeremy telling me that a delivery had arrived for me to the office. I was very pleased because I presumed that either the book from the book depository, my thread cutter or my DMC threads had arrived. Jeremy then told me that Asa, the company's driver, would be delivering them to me this afternoon on his rounds. I was even more pleased as it meant I wouldn't have to wait until Jeremy arrived home to open them.

I asked what size the package was and Jeremy said 'quite big, you'll have to open the garage doors all the way'. I was very confused and said that I hadn't ordered anything that big. He lauged and then the penny dropped. The shipping boxes had arrived! 

Only yesterday I told someone that they were languishing in Hong Kong. How wrong I was. Mr Pickle is very excited and we are waiting for Jeremy to arrive home so that we can have the ceremonial opening of the boxes (mostly because I cannot actually move them).


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