Monday 25 July 2011

Where are my shipping boxes 2, the return of cardboardiness

They're here!

Update: Jeremy has posted pics of the new house on his blog.

Boxes arrived today as promised in a massive container at the arranged time! I was late as the truck I was driving got stuck in reverse gear!! Jeremy thought that I had driven over to the house. My name is not Mater and I am not the world's best backwards driver. I managed to fix it somehow.

Anyway, Mr Pickle and I arrived and we set to work pointing in directions for the boxes to be taken. It got to the 3 seated sofa coming off the van and there was much concern about it's size and the fact that it would not go through the two turns needed to get it inside.

Luckily Jeremy chose that minute to come for a nosey. It took four grown men, one step ladder and a wheelie bin but it came through the front of the porch (one story up). Phew. At one point we thought we were going to have the most comfortable deck furniture in the world!

Mr Pickle is very pleased to have his Thomas Trains back, along with his building site and Lego. The beds are built and the mattresses were supposed to arrive today too. I was very excited and measured the holes for the mattresses to fit into as we weren't 100% sure they would. They will and I dug out the bedding in preparation. At lunch time I rang the bed company to get an idea of delivery time. It was a very sorry person on the other end of the line who discovered that there had been a mix up and there would be no delivery to us today. They will be with us in Thursday instead.

Everything made is through quarantine and customs, even the mankey seed pod and pine cone decoration that actually belonged to the Balikpapan house. Jeremy has already installed my hanging chair and my giant pod seat is under the deck waiting for us to move in and choose the perfect place for it in the garden.

Mr Pickle had a fabulous day reacquainting himself with his toys and Spongebob Squarepants on the telly. He is now tuckered out and we have had to return to the apartment to sleep following a very yummy barbecue, cooked by Jeremy, to say thank you to our helpers who ably assisted me while he was beavering away in work.

I wanted to take pictures of the grand moving in but the camera got covered up in the kitchen and never resurfaced. Will try and take some pics tomorrow when it is dug out of the Tupperware land slide!

Tomorrow Mr Pickle and I are heading down to Ikea. Smaland awaits the invasion.

Friday 15 July 2011

We are special

Mr Pickle's classic quote of the day:

"I am very special mummy and so are you." I asked, "what about Daddy?" Mr Pickle's reply, "Daddy isn't special, he is all funny and silly with big eyes."

Ha ha.

We are off to the park again this afternoon. There will be scooting and pictures to follow.

Thursday 14 July 2011

That cannot be very comfortable!

Now that I know the shipment is imminent, I have been surfing the Internet for new and interesting felt creations. I found a great website:

There are some very funny things on there with instructions on how to make them.

As with many websites, this one is supported by advertising and sponsorship. This particular website is sponsored by American Apparel and has the most uncomfortable looking banner that I have ever seen. Just two words - Tank Thong! All the girl needs is the leggings and she could be living in the 80s.

Hurry up felt stash.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

We love you Bris-Vegas

So, having taken a hop over to the UK where I spent most of my time surrounded by cardboard tea chests, we are now in Australia!

Mr Pickle and I did manage to spend some quality time with family and friends in between moving boxes between storage units and Mum and Dad's garage. We are missing everyone but our surroundings are definitely making up for the fact that we are so far away.

Mr Pickle and I have been here for two and a half weeks and we have been to the park every day, because we can. We miss the friends we made in Balikpapan but we don't miss the fact that we couldn't take a stroll outside without being eaten alive by mozzies or nearly being knocked over by ankots and motorbikes.

So far we have taken the river cat across to Bulimba to make use of the fabulous playground there, we have been on the Brisbane wheel (a bit like the London Eye but smaller), splashed about in the water features on the South Bank, joined the library, put Mr Pickle's name on a waiting list for a pre prep school and found a Thursday morning playgroup and done some shopping, some more shopping and then a bit more shopping. We have even been to Ikea.

Jeremy found us a fab house and we signed the tenancy agreement while I was still deranged with jet lag. We take over the place on the 19 July but it looks like we won't have any beds on the day. All we need now is our stuff! Hurry up shipments.